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Displaying an MSIC

Unless exempted under a Notice by the Secretary of the Department, an MSIC must always be properly displayed when the holder is in a maritime security zone. An MSIC is properly displayed if it is attached to a person's outer clothing and:

  • at or above waist height; or 
  • at the front or side of your body or on a band on your upper arm; and
  • with the whole front of the MSIC clearly visible.


  • Only YOU can use your MSIC, it is not transferable, DO NOT give or loan it to anyone else.
  • Your MSIC must be kept in a safe and secure location whilst not in use.
  • It is an offence if you contravene the regulations on how and where an MSIC must be worn.

If someone has an invalid MSIC, incorrectly displays or misuses an MSIC, then they may be fined or prosecuted.

  • i Exemptions from wearing an MSIC i Exemptions from wearing an MSIC
  • Exemptions from wearing an MSIC

    Some people are exempt from the requirements to wear an MSIC. These people include:

    • law enforcement officers, including state and territory police,
    • emergency personnel – fire, ambulance and rescue services who are responding to an emergency,
    • Australian Defence Force personnel who hold an identification document issued by an arm of the Australian Defence Force, and
    • people exempted by the secretary, Department of Infrastructure and Transport.



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