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Fees and charges

The Government does not set the price of an MSIC.

The cost of each MSIC at Pilbara Ports includes the fee payable for the background checks completed by Crimtrac, ASIO and ACIC through AusCheck. Payment can be made by cash, EFT or credit card (Visa, MasterCard) or a company purchase order will be accepted, if provided by an approved client.

All costs are GST inclusive.

2 Year MSIC (initial or renewal) $250
4 Year MSIC (initial or renewal) $500
MSIC based upon an ASIC $110
Under 18 MSIC (for those under 18 years of age) $55
Replacement MSIC (for lost/stolen/destroyed/damaged/name change/visa extension/surrendered only) $65

Note: Please consider your selection of a 2 or 4 year MSIC carefully as if you are found eligible for a 4 year MSIC and do not want to have the second background check completed you may withdraw your consent. This withdrawal must be submitted to your MSIC issuing body in writing and you must surrender the MSIC at that time. The withdrawal of consent must occur prior to the second check being completed. Your MSIC will be cancelled immediately and the person/company that incurred the cost of your MSIC may be entitled to a refund of the AusCheck fee associated with the check only.



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